Thursday, 18 April 2013

That GUI and some complications

The project is progressing well in fact we have finished the graphical user interface.  That is all the buttons are very pretty and click-able and the info pane has stuff on it.  All that is left to do is add the tab buttons (easy) and draw the electrical and simulation screens (a bit more involved but still relatively simple).

Now to problems at hand: unfortunately, as it turns out we structured the program in the wrong way.  The good news about this is that it was not a show-stopping error and will require only a quick bug-fix and a few man-hours of work to remedy.

The problem lies a couple of variable declarations at the beginning of the driver class.  What they do is allow us to access and modify all the declared variables relatively easily.  An error was made here because it was decided that the program would be designed such that it would be simple to commit changes to the code.

After careful consideration by our programming team, it was decided for the sake of optimization and reducing redundancies, that the program would be  restructured into a series of classes, each of which would represent a single attribute of the robot, and that the variables will be accessed from that .  This also means we will also need to slightly modify the XML read/write class in order to accommodate the new structure.

- The Codebusters Team  

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