Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Meetings and milestones

         We are pleased to announce this week that we have reached a very important milestone on the long and sometimes arduous path of software development. As mentioned in the last post, a scheduled meeting was held with our client this morning, where our team was able to demonstrate a fully-functional build of the simulator, thus far. While we are pleased to report that our progress up to this point was received warmly by Mr. Song, there is still a lot of work to be done before we will arrive at any kind of final product.

             With that said, this week, the Codebusters Team are hunkered down (as always), putting the final touches on the graphical component of the simulator. Furthermore, a few members of the development team have been tasked with beginning the design of the simulation portion of the application—specifically the implementation of the many physics concepts and equations that will be used to model the properties and motion of the sumobot. As this software will be targeted towards an academic audience, we are striving to represent as accurately as possible all the physical forces that will have an impact on the performance of the robot, and while there are undoubtedly many technical and time-related obstacles to achieving this goal, our modestly-sized team are continuously striking a balance between efficiency and precision.

            Lastly, as we enter this critical stage of the development process, we have committed to increase the frequency of communications with the client in order to ensure that a quality product is delivered. Specifically, a weekly progress meeting has been established at the convenience of our client, and thus, we hope to accelerate the pace at which the project marches towards completion.

-The Codebusters Team

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